I like to tweet old songs, songs that have stuck with me over the years. Songs that bring back childhood memories too. I was in the Army on my first overseas assignment in 1984 when I first heard this song. It's from the movie "Against All Odds", starring Jeff Bridges, Rachel Ward, and James Woods. A story about the underbelly of a professional football team, the drama of the players, the coaches, the owner and family, and their shady dealings. I must have watched that movie dozens of times, and I bought the album (yes the album). CD's were fairly new then, records were still very popular, and I had a turntable.
Not too many years later I became a fan of science fiction. Of course, "Star Trek: The Next Generation" and "Babylon 5" were about all there was on TV. "SeaQuest" came along shortly thereafter. "Stargate" the movie came out in 1994, and "Stargate SG-1", the TV series, launched in 1997 and lasted 10 seasons.
This video is based on one of it's two spinoffs, "Stargate: Atlantis". If you are reading this blog, likely you are into science fiction and are familiar with the Atlantis series.
John and Elizabeth were never a couple. Their relationship was very nearly train-wrecked many times during the first season, and at times still felt tenuous. There was always a power stuggle; but deep inside their mutual respect and admiration grew very deeply between them.
The author does an excellent job of mixing the pictures with the song. I believe they did a great job of getting the emotional effects to the viewer.
Please Enjoy!
If you like Farscape, this is good news. The classic science fiction show Farscape has been recut into minisodes for the Nerdist Channel! Check out the first minisode below. How many of you are Farscape fanatics? Courtesy of the @nerdist http://www.youtube.com/nerdist
Science Fiction television has so much going against it, always has. The biggest thing is the Nielsen families they use to do the ratings are predominately not science fiction fans. So viewership is going to be skewed right off the top. I know if my house was being surveyed by Nielsen, a lot of science fiction shows would still be on the air. Is my household different? No. But it's a way less geekier to talk about American Idol or Two And Half Men (BTW, two show I DON'T watch).
Advertisers are less willing to sponsor science fiction shows. The whole history and stigma that only a niche crowd will watch keeps the big guns away.
I say let Fox cancel Fringe, and Warner Brothers move it the Syfy channel, or the USANetwork. Somewhere that it can get multiple airings, and targeted to the proper audience. Oh, and let's not forget how Fox moved Fringe to Friday night KNOWING that Friday night is where shows go to DIE.