John Crawford
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This prompts a quarantine of all the personnel who were on the planet for the rescue when Michael's lab collapsed, including LTCol Carter who is back on Earth. Consequently, they all test positive for the same things affecting Dr. Keller. Dr. Beckett tries to surgically remove the tendrills, but doing so directly affects Dr. Keller's vital systems. So they must find another way to eradicate it.
Mr. Woolsey is not happy about allowing Dr. Beckett to lead the fight to overcome this infestation, since he is not actually a part of the Atlantis Team. But he knows he's the only one capable of beating it. Meanwhile, the infestation spreads outside the isolation room and gets in the power systems. Attempts to extricate it are met with force.
Dr Beckett eventually finds a cure that works positively on the other members, but the real challenge is how to save Dr. Keller. Mr. Woolsey, not being a trained military commander, is hesitant to expend resources and risk the security of the entire expedition to save someone that may be beyond saving. It's only through the unique ability of LTCol John Sheppard to disobey orders, and play by his own rules that allowed the team to save Dr. Keller.
At the end of the episode, Carson goes back to Earth to be debriefed by the IOA. Mr. Woolsey is coming to terms with life in Pegasus Galaxy where playing by the book may get you or someone else killed. He and Sheppard share a moment in which he questions his own ability to deal with such uncertainty. Sheppard, who is recovering from being injured rescuing Dr. Keller, appropriately shakes his hand and says "welcome to the Pegasus Galaxy!"
Enough of the synopsis. I liked the story. Earlier in the episode when they tried surgery, we knew that wouldn't work. What would they do for the rest of the hour, right? But unlike real life, ever little crisis on Atlantis turns into a complete meltdown. That's what our heroes do, and do quite well. This episode even adds a bit of dramatic flare with Dr. McKay in quarantine making comments about the "B" Team taking to ball on this one.
This Woolsey character... Can't we kill him off? This is the same person that was hired by Senator Kinsey to bring down the SGC. Somehow, he has hung on to some kind of power, as a consultant, to become part of the IOA, and now he's in charge of the greatest expedition ever undertaken by mankind. All I can say is Bob Picardo must need the work because he's a square peg in a round hole on Atlantis.
Which leads me to the next thing I despise about whole story. How in Gods name does a handful of representatives on Earth think they have ANY authority to decide or control what is going on in another galaxy? They don't freaking' own Atlantis. The whole premise is wrong. Maybe after 11 years Stargate needs some new writers and producers, this story's going nowhere fast.
John Crawford
Accokeek Computers
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The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
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The summer season is upon us, and there is not much in the way of new scifi shows to turn to. Even with the return of Stargate Atlantis, there's still a major void of science fiction shows available. Not to fret though, if you're a hard core scifi fan, reruns will usually do the trick.
Here's what we have for the week beginning 14 July 2008 (all times are EST). Listings in parenthesis are not scifi shows, just good substitutes:
4:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Stargate Atlantis (Scfi)
6:00PM Stargate SG-1 (Scifi)
7:00-11:00PM Star Trek: TNG (Scifi)
8:00PM Quantum Leap (ION)
9:00PM The Dead Zone (ION)
(9:00-10:00PM Family Guy (TBS))
(11:00PM The Bill Engvall Show (TBS))
(11:00-Midnight Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
1:00AM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
2:00AM Star Trek: DS9 (Spike)
(2:30-3:30AM Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
3:00AM Seven Days (Spike)
4:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Stargate Atlantis (Scfi)
6:00PM Stargate SG-1 (Scifi)
7:00-10:00PM Star Trek: Enterprise
(8:00-10:00PM Family Guy (TBS))
8:00PM Quantum Leap (ION)
9:00PM The Dead Zone (ION)
(10:00PM Movie Fifty First Dates (USA))
(11:00PM-Midnight Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
1:00AM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
2:00AM Star Trek: DS9 (Spike)
(2:30-3:30AM Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
3:00AM Seven Days (Spike)
4:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Stargate Atlantis (Scfi)
6:00PM Stargate SG-1 (Scifi)
(8:00-9:00PM Family Guy (TBS))
8:00PM Quantum Leap (ION)
9:00PM The Dead Zone (ION)
(11:00PM-Midnight Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
(2:30-3:30AM Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
8:00AM-4:00PM Jake 2.0 (Scifi)
4:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Stargate Atlantis (Scfi)
6:00PM Stargate SG-1 (Scifi)
(8:00PM Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader? (Fox)
(8:00-9:00PM Family Guy (TBS))
(9:00PM The Bill Engvall Show (TBS))
(11:00PM-Midnight Family Guy (Cartoon Network/Adult Swim))
8:00AM-4:00PM Special Unit 2 (Scifi)
4:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Star Trek: Voyager (Spike)
5:00PM Stargate Atlantis (Scfi)
6:00-8:00PM Stargate SG-1 (Scifi)
8:00PM Joan Of Arcadia (Scifi)
10:00PM Stargate Atlantis (Scifi)(New)
Midnight Stargate Atlantis (Scifi)(repaeat of 10:00PM showing)
John Crawford
Accokeek Computers
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Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
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A mission to find the pregnant Teyla goes bad when Sheppard's team is trapped under Michael's collapsed compound. When Carter mounts a rescue mission to save them, Michael's Wraith cruiser returns. The team bugs out and eventually meets up with the Daedalus.
Meanwhile, Michael sends Wraith to the planet to kill any survivors. The Daedalus and Michael's ship exchange fire, but since Teyla is on board, they cannot risk destroying the Wraith ship. The Daedalus's sensors find Sheppard and Ronin's life signs, and beam them out. Sheppard, though, is injured but refuses to stay down with Teyla missing.
They launch a "302" attack along with a cloaked jumper. When the Wraith open their bay doors and launch their darts, the cloaked jumper sneaks in to search for Teyla. They find her, but also find the ship is almost repaired and will be able to jump away within a few minutes.
While Sheppard and Ronin plant C4 on the main engine and destroy it, McKay helps Teyla as she gives birth. Sheppard and Ronin are quite surprised when they return to retrieve the rest of the team and find a baby. But they don't have the time for pleasantries, and must get off the ship. They discover the jumper has been taken. That's when Kanann (the baby's father), finds them. He agree's to help, the team escapes in Wraith ship. Once they are able to let the Daedalus know they have Teyla (and baby) safely off the Wraith ship, the Daedalus destroys it.
When everyone is safely back on Atlantis, Carter makes her way to Earth for a short project. Once on Earth she is met by Mr. Woolsey, who informs her she has been relieved of command and replaced by him. (The credits run...).
It's a good story, and they added some very good special effects. Sheppard's heroic efforts to save Teyla, in spite of his injuries, paid off. The delivery and birth scenes were... well, this is PG television, so not too real. No fuss, no mess. She gave birth standing up, no screaming, no cord cutting, no after birth, nothing. That's OK because I don't think McKay could have stayed conscience for that.
It was good to see Conner Trinneer, reviving his role as Michael. It's uncertain whether his Wraith character was killed off. Since they never found the cloaked jumper, and we don't see Michael again after he discovers his ship has been boarded and sabotaged. It's not like he didn't know where Teyla was stowed, he put her there. I don't think we've seen the last of Conner Trinneer as Michael.
The last scene is probably the worst in Stargate history, watching Carter lose her command to a civilian no less. While I realize Amanda Tapping is moving to another project, they could have found a better 'cover" for her to leave Atlantis. I have nothing against Robert Picardo, but I truly despise his role as Mr. Woolsey.
Eleven years ago Amanda Tapping etched her rather huge niche into the fabric of Stargate. Her character has single-handedly saved Earth, the galaxy, her team, and countless alien worlds many times over. Why they chose to have her exit with such a negative overtone is just another sign of just how far off the beaten path the shows producers have gone. They are going the same route as Star Trek. Let's hope the rest of the season gets better.
John Crawford
Accokeek Computers
Accokeek Gifts
Mamas Best Recipes
The Cartouche - Science Fiction Reviews
Simple Opportunities
Conquer Your Niche
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