Fringe fans everywhere are anticipating new Fringe episodes. What fans are not liking is Fringe's move to Friday night, typically where shows go before they are put to rest. I'll admit that the first season of Fringe was the best, the move from New York to Vancouver has not been good for the show. One thing they could do is lighten it up a bit, with both humor and sunshine. Everything is dark, everything happens at night. People are bombarded with negative vibes all day long - real life stuff. Maybe the fans would appreciate a show, one they have grown to love, to lighten up some. Doomsday doesn't have to be the overshadowing climax.
At the beginning of Season 2, fringe turned the corner from fresh and exciting to complicated. People can say anything they want about Star Trek. It's been around for 44 years. Even it's own spin-offs made the fatal mistake of getting too complicated. They also went from a story being told in 42 minutes to the ongoing saga, soap opera style.
So here's a suggestion for the J.J. Abrams and crew, go back to the 42 minute story. Keep it simple. You have to make the story simple enough that a non-fan can tune in and understand what is going on. Star Trek TOS and TNG did that. It's probably the last Science Fiction show that did. Take a literary note.
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J.J. Abrams' reaction to Fox moving Fringe to Fridays: 'Sh*t!'
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