The latest sci-fi star to get an asteroid named for him is none other than Adm. William Adama, Edward James Olmos.
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Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Frak Off! We've Got the Best Swear Words from Sci-Fi
They say that swearing is the tool of the unintelligent, but swearing in an alien language? That has to make you cool, especially since it'll perplex the hell out of most people. If you want to win that hard-to-get geek street cred, we've got just the thing: A list of the best scifi cusses in the frakkin galaxy. Check it out, you floops.
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Farscape Released On iTunes
"The Jim Henson Company announced that it has made its TV programming and feature film library available for download on Apple's iTunes store. Beginning Jan. 28, fans will be able to purchase episodes from the first season of the cult SF series Farscape, as well as the classic children's series Fraggle Rock"
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The 10 Worst Spaceships of All Time
U.S.S. Cygnus from The Black Hole, The B-Wing fighter from Star Wars, this is a collection of the absolute worst spaceships in sci-fi history.
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Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Battlestar Galactica: Cylon STD theory
An amusing theory that who is a Cylon depends on who slept with Cylons (or slept with those who slept with Cylons.) Contains spoilers for season 3 of Battlestar Galactica.
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Women In Sci-Fi
Martin looks back on 70 years of female characters in science-fiction movies, from the spunky but ultimately submissive Dale Arden right up to the new Starbuck and Jaime Somers, via Ripley and Sarah Connor...
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Saturday, January 26, 2008
Which Scifi Franchise Cries Out For A Re-Imagining?
Everybody's re-imagining old science fiction franchises, from Battlestar and Bionic Woman to Star Trek and Terminator. But some of the greatest classics are still waiting for their extreme makeovers. It's time to give Hollywood a little push! Click through to vote for the best fixer-upper.
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The (Fully Illustrated) Sexy Sci-Fi Costumes List
Science-fiction is a useful means for the prescient minds in modern culture to warn society about where it might be heading. But it’s also been, historically, a good excuse for getting hot women into skin-tight lycra. Here's a comprehensive list of very slight costumes indeed...
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14 Science Fiction Shows That Left Us Hanging
If you enjoy science fiction, you no doubt are fed up with the networks that bring the new shows, and abruptly cancel them. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that network and studio executives are not big scifi fans, if at all. Here are 14 science fiction television shows that were cut short in their infancy.
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Friday, January 25, 2008
Caprica [rumor]
A Battlestar Galactica spinoff is rumored to be in development. If Caprica doesn't happen, expect someone to get royally frakked up.
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BSGcast: LIVE in Las Vegas
Matt + Nat are throwing the grandest Frak-Party ever for the April 4th Premiere of Battlestar Galactica's fourth Season by doing it in Vegas and having real live Battelstar Galactica alumni in attendance! Check it out and get on the list, since it's a small party with very limited space...
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Sci-Fi Datastream: 1/24/08
Battlestar Galactica TV specials, Alba on FF4 and a Dark Angel movie, Abrams talks Shatner, Pinr talks Kirk, more ...
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Battlestar Congratula?
What's behind the Sci Fi Channel's decision to schedule two half-hour documentaries about Battlestar Galactica: WGA-strike-inspired desperation, or self-congratulatory wankfest? You be the judge. Click through for details, and hints as to whether either show might be worth bothering with.
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Video - The Wrath of Farrakhan - Star Trek Parody
This is one of the best Star Trek parodies I've seen. Damon Wayans, Jim Carrey, and some unknowns do it up quite nicely. It's not known what show this was on, or when. The quality is not the best.
Video - The Wrath of Farrakhan - Star Trek Parody

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Video - The Wrath of Farrakhan - Star Trek Parody

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Producer Explains Star Trek’s Teaser, New USS Enterprise
Producer Roberto Orci spoke with to expand on the filmmakers’ intentions for the moderately esoteric and largely eerie teaser. To the Trekkies who remain adamant that the Enterprise must be built in space in accordance with canon, or “fanon” even, rather than on Earth, Orci breaks out the science and “creative license.”
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Friday, January 18, 2008
The 4400 fans plan a mail-in campaign to save the show
Following in the footsteps of Jericho and Roswell fans, the fans of the science fiction series The 4400 are planning a mail-in campaign to USA Network to override USA's decision to cancel the show.
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Thursday, January 17, 2008
Honeymoon Over For 'Sarah Connor Chronicles'
Now that there is no big-time football lead-in, fewer viewers decided to give "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" a second chance Monday as audiences declined more than 44 percent from its huge Sunday premiere.
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First Look At New 'Star Trek XI' Trailer
So there have been fakes, and there has been speculation. But what is the first look of the new Star Trek movie from J.J. Abrams going to look like? Apparently, Hollywood Chicago got a sneak peek at what fans will see beginning on Friday with Abrams' upcoming film, "Cloverfield."
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Review: 'Stargate: Atlantis' - Spoils Of War
The following contains MAJOR SPOILERS for the "Stargate: Atlantis" episode, "Spoils of War.""This one." -- Wraith Queen"Oh great, in my entire life I’ve never been chosen first." -- Dr. McKayThis episode starts off with a bit of rewind action as we revisit the last moments of the destruction of the Replicator homeworld
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Wednesday, January 16, 2008
So after Episode 2: is Sarah Connor Chronciles any good?
This review says, yes and, well, no. Well one thing is for sure you can guarantee the producers will look to learn from the mistakes of BIONIC WOMAN and not give us too little development and not enough of the goods. They have already built the series up with this episode to give us enough to chew on until next week’s episode.
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First Reaction to Cloverfield: They Have Created a Classic
J.J. Abrams and Matt Reeves have created a new classic monster movie. It is everything you expect and it's also nothing you expect. This movie feels so real that it's not even a movie, it's an entire incredible experience.
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NBC working on Top Gear remake for the States
Bionic Woman. Knight Rider. And now....Top Gear? NBC, America's remake network, has ordered a pilot of an Americanized Top Gear.
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Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Why Did They Wimpify Sarah Connor?
"Sarah Connor Chronicles" has all the ingredients for an awesome ride. We won't know for a while if the show can sustain this level of excitement every week. For now, though, we're psyched -and we've done a comparison for you between the unaired pilot and the one that did air. You'll discover that Sarah Connor's character was seriously wimpified
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5 Kick-Ass Sci-Fi Apocalypses (That Could Actually Happen)
Hollywood has come up with countless end-of-the-world scenarios. Here are the ones you should be rooting for.
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Diane Keaton Drops The F-Word Live On 'Good Morning America'
This morning on Good Morning America, actress Diane Keaton uttered an oft-used, but FCC-unfriendly obscenity while talking to Diane Sawyer about physical appearances vs. "big" personalities. Of course, since the show airs live, there was little or no time to bleep anything.
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Monday, January 14, 2008
Music on Life, Bionic Woman: A Tale of Two Shows
Drake Lelane on "Remember when Bionic Woman was supposed to carry the NBC load for Wednesday nights this season? "Bionic Wednesday" was the tagline, and it was predicted by many to be a "no duh" hit out of the blocks, and serve as a good lead in for the harder to market Life." Watch Life on Wednesday at 10pm on NBC.
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Wronged man on a mission gives 'Life' spark
Matthew Gilbert, Boston Globe Arts, writes a compelling review of the premiere of Damian Lewis' drama Life on NBC. "But throughout all the silly quips and nonsensical exclamations, Lewis makes it subtly clear that Charlie's daffiness sits on top of a gusher of emotion."
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read more | digg story | Would shows survive without lead actors?
Matthew Gilbert's insightful article comparing three strong lead actors' performances: Michael C. Hall's Dexter, Hugh Laurie's House, and Damian Lewis' Charlie Crews, Life on NBC.
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Sunday, January 13, 2008
Wil Wheaton ("Wesley Crusher") Comes Back To Star Trek
Wil Wheaton made a visit to a familiar set to film a new Star Trek segment. He appears in his cleaned and pressed Starfleet uniform as the USS Titan’s Assistant Chief Engineer with the rank of Lieutenant Commander. The Titan is the Federation Starship commanded by Captain William Riker of “Star Trek: The Next Generation.”
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Friday, January 11, 2008
The Idiocy of American Idol, 5 Reasons Not To Watch Season 7
The phenomenon, the juggernaut, the Christ-child of reality television, American Idol, begins its seventh season next week. Love it or hate it, you can't ignore it - the hellacious auditions, the up-close-and-personal stories, the rigged and/or secretive balloting... What's your take, America? Click here and make your vote count! Discuss...
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Thursday, January 10, 2008
People's Choice Awards Salutes The Genre
Science fiction and fantasy projects have a habit of being left out of formal award ceremonies, but this year the public have spoken and 2008’s People's Choice Awards included a selection of familiar names to the genre. Walking away with the title of favorite sci-fi show is "Stargate: Atlantis."
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'Battlestar Galactica' Returns To Friday Nights
Get ready because "Battlestar Galactica" has an official return date. SciFi Channel has announced it will begin airing 10 episodes of the show's fourth and final season beginning April 4, staying in line with original reports late last year that the show would be making its way back to the network in April.
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Thursday, January 3, 2008
The themesong of The TVserie The 4400 by Amanda Abizaid. THE USA NETWORK HAS CANCELLED THE NEXT SEASON! SAVE THE 4400
-- De themesong van de TVserie The 4400 door Amanda Abizaid THE USA NETWORK HEEFT THE 4400 GECANCELLED! RED THE 4400 OP
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-- De themesong van de TVserie The 4400 door Amanda Abizaid THE USA NETWORK HEEFT THE 4400 GECANCELLED! RED THE 4400 OP
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Video - Save The 4400 Trailer - USA Network has canceled Season 5
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Video - Save The 4400 Trailer - USA Network has canceled Season 5
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Video - Save The 4400 Trailer - USA Network has canceled Season 5
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Video - Save The 4400
1st February 2008 will be the D Day : write to USA Network !!!
Video - Save The 4400
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Video - Save The 4400
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